
Archive for September, 2010

New Adobe tool allows developers to make a single app for different platforms

September 12, 2010 Leave a comment

A new Adobe tool in Adobe Air could revolutionize the way developers produce applications. Developers are able to build a single code-base for a single application, and utilize the tool to essentially convert the application to run on multiple operating systems (including mobile operating systems) that support Adobe Flash. No additional code needs to be changed to support the different platforms

This is pretty damn rad…hopefully the concept will help reduce the workload for the Primer project.

Categories: Lecture Series


September 10, 2010 Leave a comment

Edit; I’ll be adding projects as I recall them. There’s a lot swimming in my head and sometimes i plutz out what Ive thought about.

Winter will be settling in soon and I have a grip of things I want to do in the cold months ahead. I got the distinct impression that I am overloading myself with projects…I feel like I need to start writing them down/defining goals with each one and rank them on a scale so that I don’t weight to much time on frivolous ones and starve the ones that need the most attention.

So, with out much more adieu here they are.

01. Festival a Go Go F-Gogo is a kind of test bed for me to start implementing the things I’ve been learning for the last few years, especially when it comes to e-commerce and permission marketing. I chose the niche (festivals) because I truly do love being on the road and going to them, learning about their histories and understanding how the music scene effects and gets effected by society as a whole. I also can see a opportunity to create the first part of  one of several streams of income that can replace my job- something which I desperately need, as my work environment is stagnant  and the core business is failing due to inept upper management.  The primary goals are as such; 1. choose niche and get website online (done) 2. write extensively about the subject of festivals and cover the relevant information for a period of time (done) begin linking the relevant information to targeted groups (in progress) 3. get an Aweber account and start collecting emails (next step) 4. create an effective email strategy to update people on upcoming events and get an idea of what kind of relevant things people are in need for when it comes to festivals (broad outline achieved, need to sit down and write it) 5. start both an online e-store and start looking for wholesale/drop ship/partners for sales (final step)  The last three steps are back end goals and I want to keep them as low key as possible. I really do want to be able to offer cool shit that people want- mostly because i want some of that cool shit too, much like anyone else going to a festival would.  Also, I’ll need to get a professional web designer to look over my site (Tina pops in my head) so i can get it nice and pretty looking/functional.

02. School (testing) Testing out of school should be the primary goal on my list but right now I feel like i need the income flows from the website more than I need to justify my knowledge base to others.  My mom recently got a new job and is making enough money to help me out a bit with it, so I’ve started to save some money to pay for schooling. Right now my big focus is on getting the entire curriculum finalized in my head so that i can start an action plan to start studying for the specific tests, of which, there are 35- about 15 cleps, 12 dantes, and 7 ece’s.   I think my specific tactics will be to do each type of test in succession, so that I am not doing a clep one day and a ece the next.  I’m allotting the next year of my life to finish this goal, however, it’s my hope that I can get it done in half the time, assuming I can do a test each week. Hopefully this weekend I’ll be able to get a handle on the curriculum and start laying out dates and accumulating the relevant study material next.

03. school (learning/niche specialization) This has been an ongoing project for the last two years and will continue to be one for the foreseeable future.  The simple fact is this; I’ve taken the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree of education and reviewed it in less than two years, and have completed around 80 or so books in that same time.  I’m not some superhuman when it comes to learning, however, I’ve been blessed enough to be able to absorb the information in a much different and much more faster way than is what is traditionally presented, mostly due to 4 technologies- bit torrent, iTunes U, iPod, and the net.  This new way of learning is a kind of prototype (i hope) that will be injected to the core of the Primer project below.  Right now I’m focusing on four niche/specialization areas that are interesting me the most- 1. Permission marketing/e commerce, (possibly the most base of them all, but the most valuable) 2. Programing (this is an offshoot of my work with the Primer and is necessary to get the job done) 3. Cellular gerontology- the aging of cells, and the body in general. 4. History (I just cant seem to get enough when it comes to amassing a knowledge of the last 6k years of humanity)

04. The Archive The archive is just that- an archive of my accumulated knowledge backed up onto hard drives, mostly via classes and books. It’s my hope to get a first version of the archive available as a gift for my father to use by Christmas/his birthday.  Right now I’m undergoing a process of correctly tagging the 250 gigs of video/audio/books I have.

05. The Primer The Primer project is a direct result of my needs/wants when it comes to education, and specifically what I’ve been doing over the last two years- which is listening to about 8-10 hours a day of college level educational audio and video scoured from the web. The education I’ve been exposed to has ranged from basic economics, through calculus, and introduced me to masters and phd level thinking. The major downside has been the lack of writing I’ve been able to produce (even though I have done extensive writing on this, my other websites, and a few forums I’m a part of). Also, I have not been able to attend anything that looks like a section/lab or interact with students/faculty, nor have I been able to test out of the subjects I’ve been learning. This is where the primer steps in and takes over. At its core its designed to allow anyone, anywhere, any education level they want and should be something that’s with them for a lifetime, continuously educating, evaluating, and networking the people involved with specific subjects and specializations.  Its pretty fucking ambitious, because when its said and done its a replacement for the university system as a whole, and its my hope will lift the failing ships of people worldwide. Ultimately I’m going to need help with the project but I know that help will manifest when the time is right.

06. Real Estate/ residency I need to evaluate which state I will claim residency out of (possibly Nevada) and invest in that area for the long term. In addition I need to figure out a permanent location I can locate to here in NM, and start looking at flats in the Bay Area, which I want to move to and live in for a period of about a year- once that  year is up I’ll start looking into other places (Portland, NYC, LA, Europe) to experience for another year.  after that I think its time I’ll chose a place to settle and consider living in for the next five to ten years.

07. Burning Man Book I left this years burn feeling like I had a sense of duty when it comes to an event that I invested a good chunk of my free time and money into over the last six years.  I feel like i came out of this years burn with the necessary knowledge and experience to write on the subject in a way that can be inspiring to others. The truth is that burning man has changed drastically in the last five years and has turned more and more into one big rave in the desert, something which it never was in the first place, however, something which I think can be used to positive ends. I want to use my story, and what ive learned and how its helped me grow for the better to inspire others to do the same rather than remain choady leaches and parasites.

08. Scooters I had a hella fun time learning about and rebuilding the battery pack on my scooter for bm this year, too bad I didn’t bring replacement parts for the tubes, which busted and kept me from using the scooters. Electric vehicles are the future, and I want to start learning as much as I can by blinging out the two scooters I have available to me. I’m going to replace the tube tires with foam core,  replace the other scooters battery pack with deep cycle batteries, and build a solar charging  roof so that these things can recharge themselves in the light and run more or less indefinitely.  also add some lights and maybe a mini flame thrower to one also. heh.

09. flame throwers/burner stuff I had a hell of a time playing with my first version of the flame thrower this year. It was pretty damn basic and I threw it together for around 40 bucks minus the propane. I learned a lot by checking out other peoples systems and know how to improve mine a ton, so that’s something that I’ll be picking at over winter.  In the future I’d’ like to make some fire sculptures but that will require a workshop which I don’t have at the moment.

10. windmill I’ve been wanting to build my own electric generating windmill for a while now, all of it from scratch- winding the wires and mounting magnets and cutting the blades. I think its high time i get started on it, but I’ll need to acquire enough wire first.

11. guitar One of the biggest disappointments I had with myself was the lack of artistic expression I felt at bm this year- for a while now i’ve been wanting to teach myself how to play. I dont want to be a rock star, but i do want to know some scales and chords and such, and be able to entertain on the street if I so choose. also I’ll lump in working with spinning Poi.

12. Labcorp case study Ive never written a case study before, but I feel like its time I learned and used my five years of experience at my current place of employment to write extensively on the subject of bad management and its effects on a large national business. The truth is that the business I work for in this state has been completely run into the ground, so much so that it really shouldn’t be operating and I shouldn’t really have this job. So yes, the writing is on the wall for me and I must exit as quickly as possible- both primary motivators for both real estate investing and learning permission marketing in the above projects.. the knowledge I’ve gained over the last five years has been invaluable- from working with competent team mates to dealing with people who’s blind adherence to the rules and the division its caused, to the effects of managing only by the numbers, and the effects of toxic environments, both socially and financially,  when people build themselves little fiefdoms within a business.

13. Trailer I want to rebuild my 59 serro scotty,, but I need a garrage to do it in. it will have to wait but i think i can do the design specs soon. I want to intergrate a solar charger/generator, propane, and water systems along with rebuilding it from the frame up.

14. Physical work I need to continue with my running- I was able to do my first run ever at BM this year (about 2 or 3 miles) and loved it. I need to continue to loose body fat and I really need to learn more about the effects of weight loss when it comes to toxins released- there was a major study recently published that looked at this and it found that tons of accumulated shit inside fat cells are released when body fat goes down. Making sure my intracellular and intercellular body is clean or can be cleansed regularly is of primary importance to me.  I’d also like to keep training as if I were going to a mixed martial arts gym in the future, of which I hope to do.

15. Burning Man Ambient Audio Loops Ok so just yesterday I came up with an upgrade to the audio ambiance project i had in my head for the last two years but have not been able to complete. My readings of both The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test and My Search for sound- My time with the Greatful Dead have both yielded a upgraded version of the project that  incorporates some of the audio pranksterisim that the  Pranksters worked with back in the 60’s to yield a true audio camp/art project that doesn’t involved some fucking dj’s on a stage. Maybe I’ll enlist my dj/radio friend Dave to help me on this one.

Categories: Uncategorized

Sometimes grace flows through the subconcious in needed and nessacary ways.

September 8, 2010 Leave a comment

Not five minutes ago I woke from a dream that just helped me in a very important way that I needed. I feel deeply grateful for it because I feel like lately I’ve been dealing with not only an overwhelm of information over the last year (my itunes says I’ve got around 80 books i’ve been into and 60 classes) but also with a sort of lack of direction- I have broad brush strokes worked in subjects that I like quite a bit (cellular biology, computer programing, business, history, travel/festivals, and general nicknack creation)  but none of them seem to call to me as what I want to do as a primary niche role/fetish that I can specialize in.

Yesterday I was listening to the Jason Ellis show, which tends to be about as low brow and dumb a show as I can find that I can be entertained by- I love it deeply for this because it’s like i’m hanging out with the boys all afternoon and keeps me feeling grounded in a masculine way. Interspersed with penis jokes and envy of motocross racers and shark news, Jason Ellis will touch on a subject that every person should be into if they want anything out of their life, which is personal development. Ellis has literally done everything sketchy under the sun, from heroin to hookers to being the seventh best skateboarder in the world, and has lost quite a bit of money and personal stability in the process, but, he has also snatched victory from the hands of defeat by using some of his very solid, very positive mental attitudes to get himself a radio show and TV show in the near future.  Yesterday he played a clip by Earl Nightingale, who I had not heard before but it struck a deep chord with me. Here is the video.

Success is the progressive realization of a worthy Ideal.

I gave this a lot of thought yesterday when it was presented to me. I looked back at my last ten years and applied it to what I’ve been doing; in some way’s I’ve been an overwhelming success and in others I’ve been a total failure, but, much like Ellis, I feel like I finally have the opportunity to turn the failure into success also.   All it’s really taking is changing what I think about.   Burning Man is a good example;  In a lot of ways I was trying to find something on a deep emotional level that I did not have before, and, now that I have it, Burning Man doesn’t sound as appealing as it did before.  Actually, I stopped wanting to go to it sometime this year, but decided to go one last time because I had made promises to attend this year. Its strange how much one’s perspective, motives, and outcomes can change so drastically once your focus changes.

My dream was long and involved but in the end it came down to me helping an older woman market some of her wares while I was in the bathroom after having gone for a long drive-  the drive and bathroom were both symbolic of my journey’s flushing away what I was holding inside, and the old woman trying to sell stuff inside the bathroom of a truckstop fedex were a symbol of what I need to focus on next. I feel like grace was just showered upon me, as I had been asking for some focus and direction (i have projects up the wazoo but no real focus on something I can do long term).

Last night I was thinking on a slightly subconscious level how I’m going to come to ruin if i continue working the job I am working- my boss has only excuses and uninspiration when it comes to growing this company in this state, my coworkers are obsessed with following the rules, and all I can think of is the above video, and how so many people really do fail in life for these two reasons. Although I feel physically exhausted from my just finished trip to burning man (which I will write about soon on my festival a go go website) I feel mentally supercharged and focused- I’m just glad I was able to hear what my subconscious was telling me.

Post Script;

Deep thanks to @ellismate for posting the nightingale clip yesterday it pushed me over an edge in just the right way. there’s also a pretty decent one on his feed by joe rogan.

Categories: Lecture Series