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Diet hacking 2

Just a few updates since the last “diet hacking” entry;

-I started using google calendar to track any measurements I take. Ive gone down from 256lbs to 242 lbs in the last 3 weeks, and for the last week have been averaging a pound a day in loss. This has been interrupted by going on trips and the holiday season, but snaps straight back into line as soon as I stop eating refined wheat products and sugary shit. I was able to maintain my initial 6 lbs loss over my 6 day trip to california but just barley.

-this has all been through diet and supplement changes.

-If i can keep my diet at least steady while in Portland, i should be at my 220 target weight by the end of February, at which time i will change my diet again because i want to start adding muscle to my upper body.

-For anyone who’s interested in doing what I’m doing, here’s the rules I’m going by;

-all organic. all free range meat. no veggies from Mexico.

-I’ve ditched the government food guidelines all together. they’re stupid, not realistic, and i believe are wrong, especially for my body type

-I’ve stopped eating bread, potatoes, coffee, anything sporting refined sugar, or containing artificial sweeteners. That means no cokes, diet coke, energy drinks, or anything like it

-all of my basic meals look like this; 40-50% veggies, 30-40% beans or lentils, and the rest is a protein of either beef, fish, or chicken, and sometimes bacon in the morning.

-Saturday is my cheat day and i go out of my way to eat crap. this has had two side effects; 1, anything processed immediately stands out as bad to eat. last weekend i tried to eat a grip of toll house bake at home cookies and a di giorno pizza and got sick from it, and the chemical taste stood out to the point where i never want to eat either again. This coming weekend I’ll be in Portland so I’ll probably go wild on breads and potatoes.

-I eat as soon as i get up. actually, i’ve been eating more i think now then i ever have, mostly because bread is not in my diet, and bread really fills one up. Its important to eat as soon as possible to get the glucose in your body working properly. If i cant cook a full meal I’ll mix one scoop of non denatured whey protein in with a half cup of coconut milk and half cup of water along with a few (like 5-10) frozen organic blueberry/blackberry mix. I usually chug down my vitamins at the same time

-my supplement stack goes like this; 4 times a day before meals i have garlic extract, green tea extract, and alpha lipolic acid. at night i add polysacinol.  This is called the PAGG stack and it helps the body get rid of fat. along with that in the morning i  have a fish oil, multivitamin, b complex vitamin, Choline, and Piracetam along with 1 200mg caffeine pill.   i take the piracetam 2-3 times per day as a cognitive supplement.

That’s. I’ve been steadily loosing a pound per day doing this. I’ll update again when i have more to share.

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